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Dog Nutrition & Wellness Blog

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  • 3 min read

Here at Nextrition, we’re all about gut health. That’s no accident – we designed our products to be gut-healthy dog food options because we know how crucial a healthy gut is to your dog’s overall wellness. It’s a topic worth digging into time and again to cover all the details.

Some of our previous posts have touched on the general ideas of canine gut health. In this post, though, we’re diving deep. Let’s explore what gut health is, why it’s so important for dogs, and how it impacts both their physical and mental wellness.

Dogs Are What They Eat

You’ve probably heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” Well, it applies to dogs too. From a health and wellness standpoint, what your dog eats affects every part of their physical wellbeing. And at the center of it all is the gut. Why? Because the gut is where food gets transformed into the valuable resources the body needs to keep going strong.

When we talk about gut health, we mean the health of your dog's digestive system. The gut includes everything from the stomach to the intestines to the liver. A healthy gut breaks food down into nutrients and waste. Nutrients get absorbed, while waste gets discarded.

But what happens when your dog’s gut health isn’t up to par? The digestive system might absorb fewer nutrients, produce more waste than it should, and that waste can be messy to clean up. This means your dog isn’t getting the full nutritional value from their food, leading to a host of issues.

Maintaining the Right Balance

Your dog’s gut doesn’t process food with gears and grinders. Instead, it relies on bacteria, enzymes, and other chemicals and microorganisms to break food down. Good gut health means creating and keeping the right balance of all these substances.

That’s something we focus on when we create gut-healthy dog food. We use all-natural ingredients and manufacturing processes that won’t upset the delicate balance in your dog’s gut. In fact, we add prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics to our food to help keep it in check. When your dog’s gut health is strong, they get maximum nutritional value from every meal.

The Benefits of Good Gut Health

All those chemicals and microorganisms in your dog’s gut make up what’s called the gut microbiome. A balanced microbiome is key to good gut health. And good gut health in dogs means:

  • Optimal food digestion and nutrient absorption
  • A stronger and more effective immune system
  • Better control over inflammation
  • More efficient vitamin synthesis
  • Improved weight management

All these benefits lead to better physical and mental health. You probably get the link between good gut health and physical health. But what about mental health? Just like with humans, there’s a connection between physical and mental wellness in dogs. When your dog is physically healthy, they’re likely to show better cognition, mood, and behavior.

On the flip side, poor gut health can lead to allergies, a weakened immune system, excess weight, and chronic inflammation – all things we want to avoid for your dog.

Canine gut health is a vital part of overall wellness. That’s why we’re committed to designing and manufacturing gut-healthy dog food you can trust. Want to know more about our dog food? Just ask!
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  • 3 min read
Here at Nextrition, we're all about shattering norms and redefining what dog food can be. So, when we say our dog food is gut-friendly, we’re not just wagging tails. It might sound surprising since gut health talk usually circles around humans, but hey, your dog’s belly matters just as much!
The gut is your dog’s food processing HQ. When it’s in top form, every bite of food is broken down to unleash the full spectrum of nutrients. Plus, a healthy gut positively impacts 70% of your pup’s immune system. But flip that scene—a sluggish gut? That’s like tossing premium fuel into a clunker. You lose power, or in your pup’s case, vital nutrients.
Our recipes are crafted with prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics (yes, a real thing) to vibe with your dog’s natural biology, never against it, ensuring their digestive system is rocking a healthy balance of microorganisms. It’s not just dog food; it’s a belly-boosting revolution.

A Healthy Microbiome: The Unsung Hero

Both canines and humans sport a bustling microbiome, a lively festival of bacteria, viruses, and micro-organisms partying in the digestive tract. When this crowd is diverse and vibing well, your dog is on point health-wise. Our gut-healthy grub is designed with pre, pro and postbiotics along with natural ingredients such as pumpkin to keep that party popping, balancing the good and bad microbes like a skilled DJ.
Let’s face it, a bad diet is like a bad DJ—throws everything off. An unbalanced menu can lead to a domino effect of too much or too little of the essential microbes. Result? Your dog might not be feeling their best. They could gain weight, lose it, or even show signs of immune or tummy troubles. Not cool.
But here’s the kicker—it’s easy to keep your dog’s gut in the groove. Start with the right food (hint: like our gut-friendly cold-pressed dog food), and your vet can pitch in with some top-notch advice, too.

Signs Your Dog Might Be Out of Tune

Wondering if your dog's gut is hitting some bum notes? A healthy gut grooves with normal poops, regular bowels, and no belly dramas.
If things are off, you might see:
  • Bouts of diarrhea
  • Lots of flatulence
  • Skipping meals
  • Skin issues
  • Weight dropping off the chart
  • A sudden crash in energy levels
All these signs point to your pooch not soaking up the good stuff from their meals. Also, if the microbiome in your pup’s gut isn’t diverse or healthy and you start adding probiotics into their diet it can take a few days for things to normalize. During this time, your dog can experience some diarrhea or other back-end performance issues.

Talk With Your Vet – They’re the Real MVPs

If your dog’s gut health is tuning out, it’s time to sync up with your vet. They’re the headliners when it comes to health and can tell if your pup’s issues need more than just a diet remix.
In most cases, a gut tune-up with the right chow does the trick. Just like us, dogs are what they eat. Feed them something that not only fills their belly but also fuels their whole body—our gut-healthy dog food is engineered to boost that microbiome for a healthy and happy pup.
So, let’s kick the old, dry kibble to the curb and revolutionize your dog’s diet with our gut-friendly cold-pressed recipes. Order now or join our food revolution with a subscribe and save plan. Fresh, tasty, and delivered right to your door—because your dog deserves nothing less than a bowlful of awesome.
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