Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

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Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

  • 10 min read

Carrots are a popular and healthy vegetable. In fact, you’ll often find yourselves snacking on some baby carrots while getting eyeballed by your dog. Before you share a few pieces with them, you will need to think about whether or not carrots are safe for them.

The short answer is yes, carrots are perfectly safe for a dog. It’s a low-calorie and nutrient-packed vegetable that can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet.

But how exactly will a carrot benefit your dog's health? Let’s find the answer to this question by discussing the 7 amazing benefits of carrots.

7 Terrific Benefits of Carrots for a Dog

Here are 7 ways in which carrots can help your dog stay healthy:

1. Helps Improve Digestive Health

Carrots contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Each of these has amazing benefits for your dog’s digestive system. 

Insoluble fibers are the ones that don’t dissolve in water but instead help attract water into your dog’s intestines which soften the stool. This can relieve constipation and improve the dog’s bowel health. 

Soluble fiber, on the other hand, dissolves in water to aid digestion and adds weight to the stool to reduce diarrhea. It also acts as a prebiotic that supports fermentation and production of short-chain fatty acids. These acids can reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your dog’s gut, protect the gut lining, boost their immune system, and help their body absorb nutrients.

But to make sure your dog can get all the benefits of fiber, you need to monitor their intake. Too much fiber can lead to an upset stomach and issues like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. To avoid this situation, feed them the right amount of carrots and ensure they drink a lot of water as it’ll assist the fiber through the digestive system.

2. Can Support Dental Health

Dog parents often struggle to keep the dog's teeth and mouth clean. But its importance cannot be neglected as poor dental hygiene can cause plaque and bacteria buildup that can lead to pain in their gums, periodontal disease, and can affect their heart and kidney.

Apart from brushing, it’s highly recommended that you add dental treats or chews to your dog's diet. Food items like carrots can act as excellent dental chews. Munching on raw or frozen carrots can help scrape away tartar residues, prevent plaque buildups, and improve the overall dental health of your dog. 

Also if you have a puppy who has started teething, you can give them cold or frozen carrots to reduce their discomfort and pain.

3. Helps Improve Eye Sight

Carrots contain antioxidants like lutein and beta-carotene, which can improve the health of the dog’s eye. Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A and travels through the bloodstream to the retina of the dog’s eye.

The retina is made up of cells called rods and cones that are sensitive to light and use vitamin A to communicate with the brain about what the dog is seeing. While rods process light in low-light situations, cone cells do this in the daytime. Thus vitamin A helps improve vision and prevents night blindness in dogs. It can also reduce the possibility of developing cataracts.

4. Rich in Beta-Carotene

As mentioned above, carrots are rich in beta-carotene. It’s an antioxidant that gets absorbed by the dog's intestine and transported to the liver. Here it gets combined with fats and converted to vitamin A. When required, the dog’s body releases this vitamin through the bloodstream to various parts of the body.

Apart from improving vision, vitamin A supports bone development and keeps the dog’s coat and skin healthy. It also supports the immune system by creating white blood cells that help the body locate foreign invaders and cellular irregularities. Thus protecting the dog’s body from infections caused by viruses and bacteria. 

But you have to be careful since vitamin A is an essential nutrient, it’s present in almost every commercially produced dog food. To avoid surplus, it’s important that you talk to your veterinarian about your dog’s vitamin A requirements and monitor their intake.

5. Provides Essential Nutrients 

Including everything that we talked about, carrots also contain vitamin K, vitamin C, B, D, and E. It’s also rich in calcium, niacin, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Each of these nutrients has various important functions that support the overall health of your dog.

Vitamin K helps metabolize calcium into the bones and prevents calcium deposits in the heart and arteries. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that can reduce inflammation and cognitive aging in dogs.

Unlike humans, dogs cannot synthesize vitamin D from direct sunlight. That's why they rely on their diets to get this vitamin. Without it their bodies will not be able to absorb calcium and phosphate.

Other nutrients like calcium support the growth of healthy bone and potassium which is an electrolyte that supports the functioning of electrical charges in the dog’s heart, nerves, and muscles

It would be safe to say that adding carrots to your dog’s diet offers them various nutritional benefits that will supplement their everyday meals.

6. Low-Calorie Treat 

Dog parents are constantly on the lookout for healthy and nutritious treats for their pups. Carrots are a great option as you can simply chop and feed them to your dog as treats throughout the day. 

The calorie content of carrots is very low and it's chock full of nutrients. This is especially beneficial for dogs who are overweight or diabetic. Carrots won’t mess with their body’s weight and provide them with many essential vitamins and minerals.

7. Rich Source of Antioxidants

A lesser-known benefit of carrots is that it is a rich source of antioxidants. It contains beta-carotene, which we discussed above, and other antioxidants like phytonutrients. These are anti-inflammatory and will help protect the cells in a dog’s body from the damaging effect of free radicals - a byproduct of normal cell function. Free radicals can also develop in a dog’s body when they consume oxidized fats or get exposed to pollution and toxins like herbicides, pesticides, etc. They can damage your dog’s nervous and immune systems.

Thus antioxidants help boost the immune system and can reduce the risk of several diseases. They also help promote healthy aging by assisting muscle strength in older dogs. 

How Many Carrots Can Dogs Eat?

Carrots, similar to any other treat, need to be served in moderation. It’s a low-calorie and nutrition-rich vegetable that also contains high levels of fiber and natural sugar. Adding too much fiber to your dog’s diet can result in various digestive problems including gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. 

Too much sugar, on the other hand, can cause obesity and tooth decay. It can have adverse effects on dogs who are already suffering from diabetes. 

Hence it’s important that you feed the right amount of carrots to your dog. Consider it as a supplement to a healthy and well-balanced diet.

The ideal number will obviously depend on your dog’s breed, age, weight, and height. But you can ensure that the total intake of carrots doesn’t surpass 5-10% of their daily calorie intake.

Furthermore, it’s recommended that you talk to your veterinarian to determine the right amount of carrots you can safely feed your dog. They’ll also guide you better depending on your dog’s prior health concerns. 

How to Feed Carrots to a Dog?

While some dogs might love to chew on a carrot, others can turn up their nose. If your dog is a fussy eater, chances are they’ll refuse to eat carrots because of its taste or smell.

In such cases, you’ll have to use some tricks to make them eat this nutritious vegetable. Some of the most popular are safe methods of feeding carrots to your dog include:

1. Steamed Carrots

A raw carrot has a wall of cellulose that isn’t digestible by a dog. It can also prevent the dog’s body from fully absorbing the nutrients present in a carrot. By steaming carrots before feeding you can partially dissolve the cellulose walls to ensure your dog intakes all the vitamin and nutrient benefits of the vegetable.

Also before steaming make sure you properly wash the carrots to remove any dirt and pesticides and chop it into small pieces to avoid choking. Once steamed, you can either feed the carrots on its own or add it as a topper to their daily meal.

2. Carrot Puree

If you prefer to make a carrot puree for your dog, you can simply boil and blend the vegetable. Make sure you don’t add any other ingredients like salts or spices for taste. These could be harmful to your dog. 

This is not a popular method of feeding carrots to dogs because people often believe boiling reduces the nutritional value. In reality, boiling has different effects on different nutrients. 

Vitamin C, B, and potassium are all water-soluble nutrients that get drained and lost during the process of boiling. However, vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble that aren’t affected by boiling. 

That being said, carrot puree can be a good option for puppies who haven’t begun teething or older toothless dogs. You can also freeze carrot puree in an ice tray to serve on a hot summer day.

3. Cooked or Roasted Carrots 

For fussy eaters, people often prefer to cook carrot dishes or simply roast them in some olive oil before serving. While this is a safe method to prepare carrots for a dog, you cannot do this every day. 

Feeding too many roasted carrots to your dog can increase their consumption of oils that aren’t healthy in the long run. Plus cooked carrots have significantly lesser nutritional value as compared to steamed carrots.

Another thing to note is that you should not feed cooked carrots that contain any additional ingredients. So if you made a carrot dish for yourself, you should avoid serving that to your dog.

4. Frozen Carrots

If your puppy has begun teething, you can give them frozen carrots to ease their pain and discomfort. You can either buy frozen carrots that don’t contain any additional ingredients or freeze some at home.

It’s also advisable that you cut carrots into small round pieces to avoid choking. 

Even if you have an adult dog, you can serve them frozen carrots on hot days as a cold treat. It will act as a dental chew that’ll help remove tartar residues and prevent plaque buildups.

5. Raw Carrots

Although steamed carrots are a better option, you can still feed raw carrots to your dog. If you’re munching on some baby carrots, you can share them with your dog too. But make sure you cut them into small round pieces to avoid choking.

The good thing is that every part of the carrot including the vegetable, stalks, and green leaves present on the top is safe to consume for a dog. So if you’re in a hurry you can simply wash, cut, and feed raw carrots to your dog. You can even grate some raw carrots over their daily meal. 

The important thing is to properly wash and lightly scrub the outer surface of the carrot to remove dirt, pesticides, or other preservatives present on top.

How Not to Feed Carrots to a Dog?

While we are discussing some great ways to feed carrots to a dog, let’s also talk about some harmful and unhealthy ways of feeding carrots to a dog.

1. Canned Carrots

Canned carrots are safe but unhealthy for a dog. They generally contain a lot of sodium and preservatives that can be harmful to your dog’s health. 

You can feed them canned carrots only once in a while, but not every day.

2. Honey Glazed Carrots

This is another example of a carrot dish that is safe yet unhealthy for a dog. Honey contains a high amount of natural sugar that can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and tooth decay. It would be best that you avoid feeding honey-glazed carrots to your dog.

3. Carrot Cake

Carrot cake that’s made especially for dogs is generally safe to eat as an occasional treat. Although there would be low to zero nutritional value of this food item.

On the other hand, carrot cakes that we make or buy for ourselves are not safe for dogs. These recipes contain many additional ingredients like raisins, walnuts, macadamia nuts, natural sugar like xylitol, or even chocolate that can be toxic to your dog’s health.

Precautions to Take While Feeding Carrots to a Dog

Carrot in itself is a healthy vegetable for dogs. But there are some precautionary measures you should take to ensure your dog stays safe and healthy.

Firstly, avoid feeding large chunks of carrots to your dog. These can get stuck in their throat causing them to choke. Always cut carrots into small round pieces that are easy to chew and digest.

Secondly, monitor your dog’s nutrition requirements. Carrots are a treat that should be served in moderation. It contains a high level of fiber and natural sugar. Plus it’s also rich in beta-carotene that’s a precursor of vitamin A. This is an essential vitamin that’s present in many commercial dog-food items. 

If you feed too many carrots to your dog, it can lead to vitamin A surplus, digestive issues, and high blood sugar levels.

Lastly, while feeding cooked carrots to your dog, make sure there aren’t any additional ingredients added to the recipe. Carrots made for human consumption generally contain salt and seasoning that can be harmful to a dog.

Always feed your dog carrots that are made especially for them or simply stick to raw or steamed carrots.

Final Thoughts

Carrots are a healthy vegetable for a dog. When served in moderation, it can help improve their digestive health, eyesight, oral hygiene, immune system, and overall growth. 

Just make sure you take care of all the precautions mentioned above and avoid overfeeding. If in case, you have any further doubts regarding your dog’s health, you should consult your veterinarian before adding carrots to your dog’s diet. 


Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding carrots to a dog:

1. How many carrots can a dog eat?

Carrots are a supplement to a healthy and well-balanced diet and should be served in moderation. The total intake shouldn’t exceed 5-10% of a dog’s daily calorie intake.

You can consult a veterinarian to determine the right amount of carrots to feed your dog.

2. How often can dogs eat carrots?

Although it’s safe to feed carrots to a dog every day, you will have to monitor their vitamin A and fiber intake to avoid nutrient imbalance. 

3. At what age can dogs eat carrots?

You can feed carrots to a dog at any age. When they are toothless puppies, you can make carrot puree and feed frozen carrots when they start teething. For an adult dog, steamed or raw carrots are a great option.

4. Can a dog eat carrots when they have diarrhea?

Yes, you can feed carrots to a dog when they have diarrhea. It contains soluble fibers that help to add weight to loose stool and reduce diarrhea. 

But make sure you feed carrots in moderation as it also contains insoluble fibers

5. Can a dog with pancreatitis eat carrots?

It is safe to feed carrots to a dog with pancreatitis. But it’s recommended that you talk to a veterinarian before making any changes to the diet of a dog who is suffering from prior health conditions. 

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